Incidents relating to cyber crime are increasing at a rate conventional law enforcement is completely unequipped to handle or prevent. As a neighbourhood watch, we find this most concerning as, up to now, our primary focus has been to help protect our community members from threats that lurk outside the safety of their homes. The threat of crime that is perpetrated online, however, is not deterred by security gates or alarms.

Onverwag has identified a need for information sessions that answer the community’s questions about how to spot online security threats and safely avoid their traps. We are hosting hour-long sessions in smaller groups to equip community members with the necessary skills to spot a scam and report it to the correct authorities.

The plan is to educate attendees on safe online banking and what to do when you have inadvertently fallen prey to a nefarious scheme. We also cover the safety features on your cell phone, setting secure passwords (as well as where to store them), and how to respond to a scammer on the phone.

Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind: