Chairmans Report: Financial Year 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2023

The focus of CARING AND SHARING remained the focus for the year under review.Crime trends continued showing a rather alarming increase in scamming and on line fraud incidents. The crimes continued being committed in the safety of our homes and the need to develop internal panic buttons to these threats remained so important. We continued […]
Treasurer Needed

If you are a financially minded friend of the Onverwag Owls, we might just have a spot on ourExco that would suit your interests. Our current Treasurer is resigning at the end of theircurrent term and we are looking for someone who would be keen to help us out on a voluntarybasis. If you think […]
2 Minute Shower Songs

To combat the water challenges in Hermanus, we would like to share 10 shower songs lasting exactly 120 seconds, to make sure people shower for two minutes or less. We hope you enjoy them!
Online Banking Can Be Scary: Here’s How To Stay Safe

Many of us remember a time when the idea of someone stealing your life savings in one foul swoop sounded like a science fiction movie. Unfortunately, modern technology has made it quite possible for a criminal with a keyboard and a set of nimble fingers to snatch your piggy bank from right under your nose. […]
Onverwag Jaarlikse Algemene Vergadering 15 Mei 2023 Verslag

Ons wil graag vir u almal baie dankie sê vir die ondersteuning en bywoning by hierdie jaar se Algemene Jaarlikse Vergadering. U maak almal ‘n verskil in ons omgewing en dorp. Vind hiermee die verslae van die vergadering. U is baie welkom om op elke knoppie te kliek en dit af te laai. Baie dankie.
Looking For Secretary & Administrator

Ask not what The Owls can do for you, but what you can do for The Owls. The Onverwag Excowants you! We are in need of both a Secretary and an Administrator. If you think you couldhelp us out on a voluntary basis, read on for the details. SecretaryA quick and accurate person who can […]
5 Tips To Improve Your Safety During Loadshedding

For most of us loadshedding is an incredible inconvenience – no WIFI, no television, no coffee. But besides taking many of our luxuries, loadshedding also tends to take some of our safety. Alarms, exterior lighting, surveillance systems… These typically all rely on electricity. And, unfortunately, criminals know that when the power is down, your home […]
Why Loadshedding Should “Alarm” You

After 16 years of loadshedding there is hardly anything new to say on the topic. However, to be in denial about the fact that things seem to have gotten worse recently, could be disastrous. While on stage 5 and 6, loadshedding is often 4 hours long, exceeding the battery life of many electronic devices – […]
5 Tips To Improve Your Online Security

For many the introduction of the world wide web in 1991 was a scary development. But for most it was incredibly exciting to have all the information they could imagine (and even the info they could not yet imagine) freely and easily available to them. Unfortunately, as with all technological developments, there are always those […]
How To Protect Yourself Against Online Predators

Nothing good ever comes from fear mongering. Unfortunately, the reality is that the internet is full of crooks who are looking for opportunities to con you out of your hard-earned pay check. But it is also a wonderful place full of information, opportunity, great deals, and lasting connections. To help you navigate some of the […]